Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

A regular diet should consist of antioxidants. Antioxidants provide an important function within the human body in that they fight free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances found within the body. These harmful substances, if left unrestrained, have been linked to the cause of many diseases within the human body. These diseases include cancer, heart disease and the early aging of the body.

Antioxidants, as a requirement for healthy living, must be ingested from food sources and through the daily use of supplements. Fruits, beans, teas, and vegetables are major sources of antioxidants. Of special note is the benefit of dark chocolate antioxidants. It is not often that we are encouraged to eat chocolate for health reasons, but, amazingly, dark chocolate antioxidants are beneficial when eaten properly. They even come in the forms of a chocolate phone and chocolate cell.

PhotobucketThe Benefits That Dark Chocolate Antioxidant Provide

Evidence suggests that consuming dark chocolate provides antioxidants in the bloodstream. These dark chocolate antioxidants that are provided help to protect and strengthen the heart. Found in the cocoa bean, these dark chocolate antioxidants have been specifically identified as epicatechin which is a type of flavonoid. A flavonoid is a ketone that is also found in the leaves, stems, and seeds of many plants.

In fact, test studies revealed that those individuals who ate dark chocolate cake had an increase of antioxidants in their bloodstream. The level of increase of antioxidants, in the bloodstream, was measured at a significant increase of 20%. Hence, a moderate snacking of dark chocolate could very well be just as healthy as a diet of leafy vegetables.
Dark Chocolate And The Greatest Benefit

However, there is one precaution when wishing to receive the maximum healthful benefits of dark chocolate antioxidants. That precaution is not drinking milk when eating dark chocolate or for that matter any other food item that is replete with antioxidants.

Additional studies on those individuals who had eaten dark chocolate antioxidants, revealed that the benefit of eating dark chocolate antioxidants was negated when milk was drank separately or was part of the dark chocolate mixture. Specifically, when the level of antioxidants in the bloodstream was measured after eating milk chocolate or milk with their dark chocolate there was no increase in the epicatechim level. The conjecture of this study is that the food molecules of milk adheres to the epicatechins and prevents the assimilation of the flavonoids.

Therefore, the study concluded that when eating chocolate or other richly saturated antioxidant products, it is important not to drink milk. This will provide the best absorption of the antioxidants with these given food products.

source : Chocolate Candy Lovers


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